Fast and effective solutions to Climate Change

The Science

How will our solutions to climate change reduce problems with the ice caps, the oceans, and rising sea levels? By introducing cold water 24/7 into the local water. This will cause heat in the warmer water to lose its energy and become colder. A prototype has been made. See the desk-top prototype, made and introduced on video by Alec Duffield. How tall does the structure need to be to create evaporation/condensation/precipitation? This will vary from place to place depending on the water content of the air, the temperature, and the availability of Peltier-cooling.

solutions to climate change

Are you a supporter of a climate change movement? This is a message for you…

We have enormous respect for the efforts you have made and commitment you have shown in bringing awareness of the threats of climate change to the world.  For decades, this problem has been ignored and trivialized. So, we would like to start with a big thank-you to everyone who has devoted their energies to changing this!

The Gaia Theory

This suggests that our planet is like a living organism, with a degree of self-protective self-regulation. Unfortunately for us, the planet’s self-protection does not seem to cover its inhabitants at any particular time – as the dinosaurs found out! In this context, the ‘Armadillo™’ and ‘Fontana™’ structures can be seen as performing the function of artificial sweat-glands – an extra way of keeping cool to cope with the stress of the heat released (along with the many benefits) of the Industrial Revolution…

7.888 billion people on earth are affected in one way or another by global warming. We need solutions to climate change.

+0Million of population
21.5 million people have been forcibly displaced by weather-related events
+0mm Sea-level rising
0.13 inches (3 millimeters) per year
+0F Sea Surface Temperature
has increased about 1.5F since 1901

Solutions to Climate Change Latest News & Articles:

Climate change is a global challenge that affects us all. Our solutions to climate change blog is a great resource for learning more about the causes and effects of climate change, and how we can work together to solve the urgent challenge of climate change. You can find our blog posts