How much will our climate change solutions cost?

Climate Change Solutions Costing

‘A Provisional Specification and Costing for our climate change solutions. The System for Cooling and Irrigating the Planet, and maintaining it at a temperature suitable for Life as it has evolved – now – in 2023’ – April 2023

In 1975, the global temperature was approximately 0 degrees centigrade (NASA GISS, HadCRUT, NOAA, Japan Met., Berkeley Earth). Global warming was not causing great problems, or thought to be a short-term threat, and from recent records it even looked as if the world’s temperature could go down, as well as up, of its own accord.

In 2023 it is clear that any thought that Global Warming was going to be a slow process was a mistake – the graphs show an ever-sharper rise, and in practical terms, human beings and all other natural beings are suffering terribly.

The scientific consensus is still unhelpful, because:

  1. It assumes that ‘Global Warming is caused by elevated levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, with carbon dioxide and methane being the primary gases contributing to anthropogenic warming’ It ignores the fact that man-made heat is constantly being generated within the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans;
  2. It refers back to a temperature – ‘pre-industrial’ – which is irrelevant to modern life. The task for 2023 is to establish temperatures that are acceptable and find ways to implement them. Fortunately, the GlobalCoolingandIrrigationSystem™ will do this.

The techniques which will do this job are listed under our ‘Projects’ heading – the ‘Armadillo™’, the ‘Fontana™’, the ‘OceanCoolingSystem™’, and the two types of cooling systems for the effluent from Power Stations – air-cooled and water-cooled.

The quickest of all the climate change solutions of all will be to start with the Power Stations, because:

  1. They are constantly releasing heat into the two fluid mediums which surround us. By reducing the temperature of this fluid they will enable the general reduction of heat which we desperately need;
  2. They are already built of strong, long-lasting materials. It will be technically simple to build the high-level structures to support the HeatLossVessel™s which will provide adiabatic cooling;
  3. They already have planning permission and occupy sites away from residential and other sensitive areas;
  4. The Electricity-generating companies will have strong incentives to comply because:
    1. They are obliged by local planning agreements to keep their effluent below a certain temperature, and Global Warming is already making this a challenge;
    2. People will understand that the type of fuel used to generate the heat is not actually relevant to Climate Change;
    3. By ‘pre-cooling’ as well as ‘post-cooling’ they will be able to reduce their fuel costs, increasing their output and/or reducing their selling prices and/or increasing their profit, while improving their ‘image’.

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