What is the difference between our theories and Carbon Offset

Solutions to Climate Change

If you are a member or supporter of a climate change movement, this is a message for you. We have enormous respect for the efforts you have made and the commitment you have shown in bringing awareness of the threats of climate change to the world.  For decades, this problem has been ignored and trivialized. So, we would like to start with a big thank-you to everyone who has devoted their energies to changing this!

So, what is the difference between our policies and innovation and those suggested by the Mainstream/NetZero/Excess Carbon theory?

  1. It is non-judgemental. Everybody in the world has to live within the circumstances in which they grow up. If your family depends on selling plastics, petrol or other coal- or oil-based products, they cannot easily give up that trade. They have to pay for their food, somewhere to live and clothing.
  2. We suggest that the basic interpretation of the origin of Climate Change/Global Warming – and thus the solution, which has been suggested to us by many scientists (not all scientists agree on it) is based on a really unfortunate coincidence:

The study (Inadvertent Climate Modification – the MIT Press – see notes) on which it is founded was based on work measuring Carbon Dioxide levels which the scientist Charles Keeling carried out in the 1960s. The study was published at the end of a (hopefully!) one-off temperature movement –  namely, the cooling of the globe at the end of the extreme spike of heat caused by nuclear and other bombings during and after World War Two – see our section ‘Global Warming – a reassessment of the problem, and an effective human-scale solution’. In 1971, when this study was published, nobody could possibly see that this year marked the end of an artificially-caused downward temperature gradient, and it seemed that this could be part of a natural temperature oscillation.

With the benefit of hindsight, we can see figures on the world’s temperature chart that show that this is obviously not the case (see Figures 4 – 7 in ‘Global Warming – a reassessment of the origin of the problem and an effective human-scale solution’).

Our aim is to restart the downward temperature gradient by means of new technology, and to continue its downward move until temperatures have stabilized at a level acceptable to everybody, and all life.

To do this, we need to start with prototypes. Prototypes don’t normally work as well as more developed versions of the technology (you couldn’t make a Jumbo Jet using the basic principles of the Wright Brothers’ first ‘Flyer’!)

We have had many prototypes made in many fields, and they are an essential first stage of any new technology. They enable you to observe and measure, leading to improvements in efficiency and output. If you are on speaking terms with anybody involved in traditional electricity generation, (nuclear, gas, oil or coal) please encourage them to think about fitting our cooling technology to their power plant. It will help their efficiency, their image with the public, the price of their product, and their profitability! It will also start the high-speed cooling we all desperately need!


Preventing hunger – Quote from Julius Caesar

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