COP28: A Call for Revolutionary Thinking and Inventions in Climate Change Solutions

COP28: A Call for Revolutionary Thinking and Inventions in Climate Change Solutions

A Time for Reckoning: COP28 in Dubai

30 November until 12 December 2023

COP28 is fast approaching, and this year it’s hosted in Dubai. While some critics argue that the location is ironic given its historical ties to fossil fuel production, we should focus on constructive solutions rather than assigning blame. The undeniable reality is that climate change poses an existential threat, and we need actionable strategies. Therefore, our focus should be on introducing groundbreaking innovations that offer immediate remedies to global heating.

The Dire State of Climate Crisis

Despite the plethora of discussions around zero-carbon initiatives, alarming signs of global temperature rise continue to manifest. Targets that were once described as ‘concerning’ are now far behind us. While commendable efforts are being made to reduce carbon footprints and adopt sustainable practices, these approaches resemble bailing out the Titanic with teaspoons.

Challenging the Conventional: Heat is the Real Enemy

Instead of working on solutions with questionable effectiveness, we should tackle the root issue: heat production. According to the laws of physics, any form of work generates heat. The impact of this heat varies based on its source. For instance, the heat generated by a small 50cc engine in a moped is negligible compared to that produced by large vehicles with high-speed engines.

Even more concerning is the significant heat generation from electricity production. If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you’re likely aware that electrical generation is a significant heat producer. Fortunately, our latest inventions offer an efficient way to manage this heat.

The Four-Part Evolution of the Global Temperature

Based on historical data, the world’s approach to temperature control can be divided into four crucial periods:

Pre-Industrial Revolution (~ Until 1918): Industrial activity had not yet impacted global temperatures in any alarming manner.

WWII Spike (1944-1946): Bombings during the Second World War led to a significant temperature spike. More on this can be seen in the  Global Average Temperature Change charts.

Rise in Technology (Late 1970s – Present): Global industrial activities have led to a consistent rise in temperatures.

Future Innovations (Yet to Come): Our inventions aim to cool existing sources of heat pollution by elevating it to an altitude from which it cannot return.

Why Our Innovations Are the Game-Changer

Cost-Efficient: Compared to conventional methods aiming for net zero by 2050, our inventions will require less than 1% of the projected costs. More details can be found here.

Immediate Impact: The effectiveness of our inventions will be visible, thus avoiding delays that could lead to irreversible damage.

Beneficial for Developing Nations: Our cost-effective solutions mean that poorer countries can adopt these technologies without incurring debilitating debt.

Socioeconomic Benefits: Our inventions also promise to provide prosperity and security to impoverished farmers through direct root irrigation.

Take Action Now

Find out who is representing you at COP28 by visiting this link and ensure they are informed about these revolutionary solutions. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on our planet’s future.

Let’s not just change the conversation. Let’s change the world.

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