Author: WorkBenchClimate

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Unveiling Hidden Causes of Global Warming Beyond Carbon

Unveiling Hidden Causes of Global Warming Beyond Carbon

The 20th century, marred by the horrors of wars, genocides, and ethnic persecutions, left an indelible mark on human history. As we grapple with the ever-pressing climate crisis, it's crucial to realise that global warming is not solely a consequence of carbon emissions. There's another, less-discussed contributor –

Addressing the Water Crisis and Migration

Addressing the Water Crisis and Migration

Recent scientific publications indicate that as global temperatures rise, more water is evaporating, transforming into water vapor. This vapor dissipates into the atmosphere, leaving less water available in the ground. This is a critical issue, especially for agriculture, as water is essential for crop growth.

Miasmata and the Greenhouse Effect. Fatal misunderstandings in the nineteenth and twenty-first Centuries

Miasmata and the Greenhouse Effect. Fatal misunderstandings in the nineteenth and twenty-first Centuries

Epidemics of cholera and dysentery in cities in the Nineteenth Century were often attributed to a ‘Miasm’ – plural form ‘Miasmata’ - a form of foul air, often with a sinister and mysterious Supernatural origin. Attempts to prevent these epidemics by scientific measurement and precise engineering were often delayed by debates centred on these theories of origin.

solutions to climate change

Armadillo™ Solution to Global Warming

The ‘Armadillo™’ is basically a chimney surrounded by heat-insulating material with a controllable air-inlet at ground level, and a grid to prevent birds from being drawn in. As (almost) always, the low-level air is warmer and moister – and at a higher pressure – than the upper air into which it flows.