Climate Change Data Analysis

Global Warming – what are the solutions to climate change

An introduction about climate change and its data

In working to develop a quicker, controllable technology solutions to climate change and reducing Global Warming, we have frequently been hindered by the perception that the causes and potential solutions are already known, and are:

  1. adequately described by the ‘Greenhouse Effect’, and
  2. relief will come from the pursuit of ‘Net-Zero Carbon’.

However, many aspects of the view that increased heat in the atmosphere is caused by increased carbon seem self-contradictory:

  1. In chemistry and physics, CO2 is not a cause of heat, but a result of combustion, and thus a result of the process of the creation of heat;
  2. We don’t say: this carbon is intolerable – open the window. We say: this heat is intolerable – do whatever you can to cool down!!!

Our solution looking at the  Climate Change data analysis

Our new suggestion is that Global Warming is a result of:

  1. the heat from combustion (as created day and night in internal combustion engines, electricity generating plants, burning wood, coal, and oil): plus
  2. this heat being amplified by the greenhouse gases which it creates.

What the relationship between the two factors is will be an important subject for future study.

Moreover, the low-carbon strategies suggested to control the increase of heat seem slow, difficult to measure and control, and so far, ineffective. In industry it is axiomatic that good technologies have measurable results, and always work in the same way if conditions are as foreseen.

Despite this perception, we have continued to work on the technology and set out the resulting inventions at the end of this article.

Suspecting that there might be factors as yet unpublicized, we decided to investigate other possible reasons behind Anthropogenic Global Warming.

We started by looking at the ‘Global Average Temperature Change’ Graph 1850 – 2025’ published by NASA GISS and 4 other international scientific organizations:

From this, it is clear that temperatures are rising fast. However, it is also clear that the opinion that Global Warming is the result of industrialization, and the often-quoted aim of returning the Earth’s temperature to ‘preindustrial levels’, are both too generalized to describe a graph that contains significant downward movements as well as upward spikes.

So we analyzed the temperature movements further (all temperatures are marked in Centigrade, as per the NASA-GISS graph). Firstly we placed a thick brown line at the approximate lowest point of the main temperature changes. This helped to show the correlation between temperature increases and decreases, and the timeline.

At first we were surprised to see any downward gradients at all, but when we compared the readings with the dates, we saw new explanations. We increased the precision of the dates and marked the increase or decrease by degrees of angle. Downward movements (periods of cooling) were shown by a ‘minus’ sign – e.g. -20o (as at 1860 and 1950), and upward movements (periods of heating) by a figure without the ‘minus’ sign – e.g. 3o and 38o (as at 1865 and 1915). Obviously, we are aware that the actual angle will depend on the format of the graph, but the relationship between the angles is still significant. We then started to add interpretations.

Our attention was immediately drawn to the remarkable upward spikes in the 1940s. To someone born in London in 1946, seeing gaps like missing teeth in the terraced streets from bombing in the ‘Blitz’, and reading sombre histories of 1000-plane raids using incendiary bombs on Hamburg and Dresden, which created week-long temperatures of about 800oC, and the massive fire-bombing of Japan, the spikes in the period of the Second World War started to become clear…

Add to this the testing of nuclear weapons and their use in war – no wonder there was a 62o downturn at the end of the war! We now suggest that the enormous temperatures generated in the Second World War initiated the present problem of Global Warming.

The nuclear bomb on Hiroshima created a temperature of 7,000oC, at a height of 580 m. Its heat will have remained in the land, buildings and sea until it moved over a period to cooler locations by the normal processes of radiation, convection, conduction and condensation.

As at July 2022, there have been over 2,000 recorded nuclear explosions, as well as accidents at power plants. We have analysed the effects of these and other ‘extra-heating events’ and further causes of heating at or near ground/sea level since the 1920s. These are set out in the following Graph, with approximations of dates. In a roughly chronological order, we list these significant heat-generating developments:

  1. Coal-based industry from about 1865. Obviously the engineering breakthroughs were made well before this date, but that is the year when we see the start of a 3o upward temperature gradient, which lasts until 1915 (the First World War)… approx. 65 years.
  2. After this we see an upward gradient of 38o until about the mid-1930s, with what looks like a downward spike reflecting the Great Depression, and the temporary collapse of activity in the industrialised nations.
  3. We see a further increase in heat-generating activity in the 1930s, with the growth of the mass-market for cars and lorries and the gradual increase in air-travel;
  4. The Second World War, as well as causing massive heat-generation through bombing and explosives, involves unprecedented manufacture and use of vehicles, ships and aircraft powered by internal combustion engines. All stages of their construction and use create heat, together with the friction of machinery operating and tyres on road-surfaces – and of course, the beginning of the nuclear age;
  5. The gradual development of electrical devices leads to increased heat within the atmosphere – from air-cooled electricity generation and the heat released by electrical equipment in use – and in the seas and oceans – from use of rivers and oceans for cooling power stations;
  6. Refrigeration enabling storage and transport of foodstuffs uses electricity to reduce the higher temperature within the enclosed unit, and works by transferring the heat outside, to the atmosphere, as does air-conditioning of offices and buildings;
  7. Nuclear power becomes more widespread. As at 2022 there are 439 nuclear power stations operating, and 62 under construction;
  8. The use of rockets, whether military or scientific, leads to massive combustion and heat at ground level;
  9. Anthropogenic deforestation removes longer-term evaporative cooling. Wild-fires remove this in the short-term, and add the heat of their combustion;
  10. In 1963-73, 388,000 tons of Napalm incendiary material were used in the Vietnam War;
  11. The growth of computers and the Internet increases the need for electricity generation. Computers create heat, which is vented to the atmosphere.

Of course, there are many other normal activities which release heat into the air, sea or earth. Endothermic and exothermic reactions in manufacturing and construction all ultimately release heat into the partially-closed envelope of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Between 1860 and 1915 the gradient for the overall temperature rise was about 3o. This indicates that the amount of heat received from the Sun and the amount of heat which the Earth could was lose naturally were approximately in equilibrium, with just a small heat-increment. How to reduce the modern rate of heat-increase of 53o or more is the present challenge.

Please study the following graph for clarification of the above.


How to reduce the modern rate of heat-increase, our solutions to climate change

The brown line in the graph above starts to curve downwards again after the Cop27 Conference in Egypt, when Global Cooling Technology is introduced. Here is how it will be done. The technology is based on two constant physical principles:

  1. Heat moves from a warmer environment to a cooler one unless prevented by insulation;
  2. The air cools by approximately 0.5 – 1oC for every 100 metres of increased altitude.

Temperature changes at altitude have been measured since the 1930s by Radiosonde balloons, at an increasing range of locations and frequency. Changes of pressure and other atmospheric data have been added to the records. A useful site to research weather data (past and present) is:

(An obvious demonstration of this is that snow and ice tend to form on the upper surfaces of mountains. What is called the Lapse Rate is routinely used by glider pilots:

The graph ‘Differential Temperature vs Height’ demonstrates that the pattern of heat reduction with increased altitude is worldwide, with readings from both Hemispheres and the Equator. Counter-intuitively, the readings go upwards with falling temperatures – apologies for that…

At altitudes of c. 800m there was a temperature reduction of 5-10oC except in the case of Melbourne, Australia, where the air at 800m was warmer by 2oC. (This may have been a freak reading caused by thermals). Over 1500m there is an absolutely clear pattern of temperature reduction.

At present there is widespread distress due to Global Warming (or the Climate Catastrophe, as it is sometimes called). As well as terrible fires and flooding, it is leading to despair and mental illness, particularly in young people.

We suggest that the origin of high-speed Global Warming is the old destroyer of human happiness, civilisations and cultures – namely WAR. It is terrible that this continues in the 21st Century. However, there is still a constant generation of heat – especially in power stations, to provide electricity, which we really need! – and no technology to dispose of it.

Since the bombing raids of the 1940s it has been as if we were all sitting in a bath, and nobody has noticed that the hot tap is constantly running. Excess water is leaving through the overflow, but the temperature is rising faster all the time as new heat is being generated through combustion and friction of all sorts – in physics (in very general terms), work equals, or creates, heat. Our culture is based on the work of human beings and machines, and it would be very harmful to us all to try to deny this.

There is no need to blame individuals, governments or companies. Industrialization has saved us from the need for physical slavery and the insecurity of subsistence farming – all we have to do is be alert to what is happening… and install and employ suitable global-cooling technology.

A clearer definition of our aims than ‘returning to pre-industrial levels’ would also be useful. If we make the world much colder, we shall have to heat it again. Looking at the NASA/GISS Graph as adapted, the Global Temperature of 1960-75 looks like a good temperature to aim for.