COP 27 -28

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COP27-28 Lets make a difference

Help us to promote our innovative solutions to climate change

We don’t want your money. We don’t have a bank account, or accountancy – and we don’t want them!

We want you to help spread the knowledge and thinking behind these inventions around the globe because we believe that they will help to resolve some of the biggest problems of the present day – starvation, emigration, conflict, flooding, wildfires, poverty – and especially fear.

Very few individuals have the money required to build the necessary structures, but Governments, the UN and large corporations do. Energy companies do. They also have the motivation, because they are widely seen as the causes of Climate Change, and are being criticized as a result. The widespread demand for Carbon Reduction is also thought to be opposition to their work.

Please help to inform and encourage the people in these organisations to understand the new inventions and their benefits, to build prototypes, and to prevent the subject from becoming yet another matter of allocating blame instead of actually resolving the problem.

To help you help us we are providing a list of all the people and organisations who attended Cop28, with a key to enable you to find your nation’s representatives. Please inform them of this new, cheaper, controllable solution. They really should be pleased!

Soon we shall also provide an analysis of the other attendees at Cop28 – NGOs, Political Parties, Charities – an analysis of pages 958 to 1739…

We also hope to provide as much information as we can to enable you to inform your elected representatives – députés, MdBs, etc. (many of these are available on Wikipedia). We hope they will be especially interested because of the financial savings, which should free up their budgets for other worthwhile things like healthcare, transport and education – search: Climate Solutions, ‘How much will it cost?’.

If you are a teacher or member of any organisation which might be relevant – agricultural (remembering the relevance of irrigation), fishing (search for Ocean Cooling), economics (search for ‘How much will it cost’), local Government or authority, or any other group – including Green pressure groups – please pass this website on. Your organisation may be planning to tackle Climate Change in other ways, but this technology should at least be seen as part of the solution! Please think about it… If the immediate threat of catastrophic Global Warming was removed, and food could reliably be grown all over the world, so many more resources would be available!

Also, please think of suggesting links for us to add, such as your local newspaper, television station or other media group…

Please send any suggestions to

Please use the index below to find a representative in the list of registered participants.

Select a tab – Nation States or Other to reveal each index.

List of Registered Participants

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