Armadillo™ Solution to Global Warming

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Armadillo™ Solution to Global Warming
Armadillo™ Solution to Global Warming

Innovation Against Global Warming: The New Frontier

The many conventional responses to global warming all have well-intentioned, but unclear, objectives. If you look at the drawing of Cool World 2023 CE now and into the future, you will see that there is a clear, defined target for cooling the world, and the rest of this website will show you how we propose it be done.

We have an active strategy, based on new, technologically logical, structures and thinking.

The Potential Impact of the New Invention on the Future Planet
The Armadillo™ was the first invention in the present series designed to control the global heating of the planet. It is a standalone structure that solves the problem of how to draw excess heat away from areas where they are located and control global warming effectively.

It is basically a chimney surrounded by heat-insulating material with a controllable air inlet at ground level, and a grid to prevent birds from being drawn in. As (almost) always, the low-level air is warmer and moister – and at a higher pressure – than the upper air into which it flows.

When the warm air reaches the exit, it flows upwards into the surrounding air – which is at a lower pressure. This means that the freshly-introduced high-pressure air expands into the low-pressure upper air which surrounds it, suction is created at the top, and starts an upward draft like the hot air from a fire being drawn up a chimney.

As the heat is sucked up the chimney in the air, moisture too is brought to a higher level. The upper section of the ‘ArmadilloTM’ contains highly-conductive copper fins which project through the insulating layer into the cold outer air, which are chilled by contact with the outer air, and which can be cooled further by a brilliant technology called ‘Peltier Cooling’.

Read more about the Peltier Effect

One of the horrible results of Climate Change (often called Global Warming, or AGW – ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’) is that the land is starting to dry out, very often in places where it is vital for growing food. A really beneficial feature of the ArmadilloTM is that the trapped moisture will flow down in tubes and will be released under the ground. This will ensure that it doesn’t suffer from ‘runoff’ or being dried out by the sun and wind before it can be reached by the roots of plants.
Over a period this will reverse the process of moisture loss which is causing hunger and despair and is one of the causes of the emigration crises in many parts of the world.

Publications by Professor Ahmed Kharmaoui and many others are highlighting this.

Learn more about the core technology

Discover an unprecedented solution to climate change: our revolutionary, cost-effective heat-removal technology. Tackle the urgent global warming crisis with our assembly-friendly, energy-efficient system designed to cool power stations and reduce environmental heat. With potential savings of up to $8.2 trillion compared to traditional ‘Net-Zero’ strategies, we’re on track to transform the economic landscape. Explore our game-changing approach and join us in our mission for a cooler, more sustainable world. Dive into the details here.