Fontana ™ Solution To Global Warming

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Fontana ™ Solution To Global Warming
Fontana ™ Solution To Global Warming

When the design of the Armadillo™ was started, I had not envisaged the possibility of global linkage to improve and control the cooling everywhere, I was just looking for a solution in principle.

However, I had a lot of experience of using centrifugal fans to extract hot air from a factory, and it occurred to me that this would bring the great advantage of being able to increase and control the throughput of air – and very often of moisture – in many places at whatever time this was desirable. Using current GIS (Geographic Information System) technology, it will be possible to link these structures in such a way that a desirable (and not excessive!) volume of water is delivered under the earth to places where it is helpful.

The main difference between the Armadillo™ and the Fontana™ is the presence of the fan. In practice, this means that it will be necessary to arrange for the powered head to swivel away from the wind since it would be unhelpful if it were blowing against the wind.

Let’s quantify the Fontana™ project – and the solution

The surface of the Earth has the following configuration:

Ground surface area (GSA): c. 150 million sq. km. – nearly 30%

Water surface area (WSA): c. 360         “          – about 70%

Total surface area (TSA): c. 510 million sq. metres: (abbreviations – e.g. WSA – are used for ease of explanation)…

If the Ground Surface Area of 150 million square metres is multiplied by 200 metres, an idea of the volume of air which could be moved from above the ground is GSA x depth 200 m = 30 billion M3 (cubic metres).

Similarly, if a similar effect could be achieved over the oceans well as the land-surface – not so easy, but the OceanCoolingSystem has been designed to enable this, using structures mounted on pontoons – a worldwide volume of air with a depth of 200 metres would be TSA 510 million x depth 200 m = 102 billion cubic metres.

If the depth were increased to 500 metres, the worldwide volume of air to be cooled would be 255 billion cubic metres.

Many large extraction fans exist. For example, the CMV from Central Fans ( moves 110,000 cubic metres per hour. To obtain this performance the air pressure must be similar to ground level pressure, which is why excellent insulation – and if need be, supplementary internal air-heating – will be essential.

If the Fontana™ devices are sited on land only – GSA-style – they will be working on 30,000,000,000 M3 of air.,

If this is divided by 110,000 m per hr, one device will take 272,727 hours to process this volume of air…

There are 8760 hours in a year

∴ if 272,272 is divided by 8760 = it will take 311 years per CMV to process the volume of air above the land-surface (GSA).

With 311 CMVs working 24/7, the time taken to process the lowest 200m of the Earth’s surface atmosphere will fall to one year.

The Fontana™ structures are very simple, with no human occupants. With effective design and prefabrication I estimate that each 750m-high Fontana™ structure would cost less than $10,000,000. Cooling the world’s air with 311 Fontana™ structures @ 10 million dollars would therefore cost $31,100,000,000 ($31.1 billion).

The world’s oceans have been acting as an enormous reservoir for heat since the advent of water-cooled power stations. Equipping the world’s water-cooled power stations with high-altitude structures of the GlobalCoolingSystem™ type should be comparatively inexpensive because the water needs simply pumping to a high level – 750m on our typical design – and passing through a HeatLossVessel™ before returning to the ocean. It would be surprising if these additional structures cost more than $5 million each, although their position near the poles means they will be subjected to very strong winds. If we estimate for 300 of these GlobalCoolingSystem™ devices, the extra cost will be $5 million x 300 = $15,000 million.  

As a rough estimate, I reckon the whole world could be cooled to 1971 temperatures, and held there, for an investment of between 6 and 30 billion dollars, and an annual maintenance of about  155.4 million dollars. MUCH BETTER VALUE THAN the costs of ‘NetZero’… and it should actually do the job, once the principle has been tested in prototype form. See EXCEL SHEET ATTACHED BELOW. If automatic reporting via is included, a full information-gathering and control system could be in place for as long as needed.

Learn more about the core technology

Discover an unprecedented solution to climate change: our revolutionary, cost-effective heat-removal technology. Tackle the urgent global warming crisis with our assembly-friendly, energy-efficient system designed to cool power stations and reduce environmental heat. With potential savings of up to $8.2 trillion compared to traditional ‘Net-Zero’ strategies, we’re on track to transform the economic landscape. Explore our game-changing approach and join us in our mission for a cooler, more sustainable world. Dive into the details here.