Taking Action to Combat Climate Change: A Call to Arms

Taking Action to Combat Climate Change: A Call to Arms

Taking Action to Combat Climate Change

Every generation seems to face its own unique set of challenges, and for us, the defining crisis is climate change. It may appear that recent centuries have been inundated with crises, but if we take a step back and look through the annals of recorded history, we can see that humanity has endured numerous hardships before. From the fall of Troy to the crumbling walls of Jericho, and even the tumultuous times of the 1930s in Europe, China, and Japan, billions of people throughout history have faced extreme fear in situations not dissimilar to our own.

Our current crisis is undeniably severe, and I share in the fear that many of you may be experiencing. My fervent hope is to contribute to the protection of all of us from the impending threats of wildfires, famine, despair, and flooding.

Throughout history, our ancestors faced immense suffering during the rise and fall of empires, such as the Roman Empire. They understood that the consequences of such events were often destruction, humiliation, pain, and death. Today, I offer a solution, without any expectation of personal gain, to ensure the continued survival of our species. I firmly believe that our current predicaments are rooted in ignorance and a lack of critical examination of the unquestionable doctrine of Scientific Infallibility.

Since my retirement, I have dedicated approximately three hours of each day to researching methods for cooling the Earth and its encompassing layers of fluids and gases. When I initially embarked on the journey to advocate for my Earth-cooling technology, the response was invariably the same: “It’s all about the greenhouse effect; we just need to reduce carbon emissions.” For someone like me, who spent many decades working with technology in a factory, this explanation seemed frustratingly vague and insufficient. Just as in manufacturing, where precise quantities and conditions are vital for producing the desired outcome, I questioned the lack of specificity in addressing the Earth’s cooling requirements.

This led me to ponder the conventional response – the greenhouse effect. While it undoubtedly played a significant role in the formation of our atmosphere over millions of years, the drastic temperature rise we are currently witnessing is unrelated to it. It is a consequence of continuous, round-the-clock heat generation at low altitudes, on an unprecedented scale. It was triggered by the severe bombing during the Second World War and has been perpetuated by the multitude of technologies reliant on electricity that have made our lives more convenient over the past century.

Initially, when the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) was proposed, it was predicted to have a significant impact around 2050. Fast forward to the beginning of 2024, and it is clear that AGW is advancing at an alarming rate. The latest Berkeley Earth graph reveals a steep, nearly vertical upward trend for November 2023.

As we enter a time of year when communities in both the Southern and Northern hemispheres often celebrate progression, marked by religious festivals, we must take heed of the age-old adage: ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ It is time for us to take concrete, positive action and break free from the clutches of our current crisis.

In tackling our current climate crisis, precision and accuracy in our approach are paramount. Broad intentions without specific solutions can lead to confusion and ineffectiveness. It’s akin to navigating a roundabout with seven exits; you must know precisely which exit to take, not merely that you need to exit the roundabout. In addressing climate change, we must employ precise technologies and strategies to achieve tangible results.

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