The concept of net zero is based on a terrible misunderstanding

The concept of net zero is based on a terrible misunderstanding

Charles Darwin: ‘to kill an error is as good … as … establishing a new truth or fact’. Letters vol. 2 – 1837-1843

We are all suffering from a giant error!

The concept of net zero is based on a terrible misunderstanding. At most, carbon is a secondary cause of global warming. The main cause is that we are constantly putting heat into the air and the ocean without any way of removing it.

This has now been confirmed by the Royal Society – Britain’s main scientific organization! See Here it is stated that even if greenhouse gases were stopped, the planet would take at least a thousand years to return to its former temperature…

These new inventions provide a controllable, effective method of removing heat that will work quickly and permanently. It is a new technology that will keep us, and all-natural life, safe for as long as it is implemented.

It comes in two forms – one, to remove heat from the air, and the other, to remove heat from the water. In each case, it transfers the heat to a height where it cannot return – what scientists call ‘adiabatic cooling’.

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