The mainstream solutions to climate change

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The mainstream solutions to climate change

Active and Passive Solutions to Climate Change and Global Warming

All these mainstream solutions to Climate Change and Global Warming are PASSIVE. They rely on people changing their way of life, in order to achieve some as-yet unproven results. However, none of these will actually reduce the heat. They merely aim to reduce the future rate of heat-increase

They do not achieve any of the normal scientific aims of providing clear, measurable consistent outcomes. They would not be accepted in any normal manufacturing or business context.

The structures we propose are ACTIVE. They will offer exact and measurable advantages with no need to change lifestyles. For many people, the suggestion that changes to e.g. vegetarian diets will be helpful are attractive, but in practice, the Puritanical approach has always led to a backlash – see Savonarola’s Florence, the Cathars, and the British experience under Cromwell…

Moreover, converting the world’s population to a new diet would bring many challenges of balance and supply.

Current Passive Suggested Solutions

Climate change is a pressing issue facing the world today, and it is imperative that we take action to address it. While the problem may seem daunting, there are a number of solutions that can help us mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future.

One of the most effective ways to address climate change is through the use of renewable energy sources. This includes technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams, which generate electricity without releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The adoption of renewable energy sources is already on the rise, with many countries around the world setting ambitious targets for the percentage of their electricity that must come from renewables.

Another solution to climate change is the use of electric vehicles. Transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and switching to electric vehicles can help reduce these emissions significantly. Many automakers are already working on developing electric and hybrid models, and governments and private organizations are also promoting the adoption of electric vehicles through incentives and infrastructure development.

Planting trees and other vegetation is also an important solution to climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate the greenhouse effect and reduce global warming. There are a number of organizations and initiatives dedicated to reforestation and afforestation, and individuals can also help by supporting these efforts or planting trees on their own property.

Reducing meat consumption is another way to address climate change. Livestock farming is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, due to the methane produced by animals and the energy required to produce feed and transport the meat. By reducing the amount of meat we consume, we can help to lower these emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

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