The solution to Climate Change

What is the solution to climate change? A new perspective.

At roughly the same time as scientists started to realise that the world was starting to get warmer, it was suggested that this might be caused by an increase in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. As a result, enormous efforts are being made to reduce carbon-emitting activities.

For speed, however, this invention proposes a new way of looking at the problem.

Let’s suppose the problem is more a simple matter – heat retention – like a kitchen where the increase of heat from cooking is greater than the heat loss through the ceiling, windows, and walls…

Or a motor-car engine with an inadequate exhaust… Or a room with fire but no chimney…

We’re in the room, so we don’t see that our chimney is too small for our fire, we feel threatened, we panic…

But actually, all we need is a chimney that gets rid of the excess heat – not all of it, just enough to stop us from feeling ill and the furniture from catching fire!

Other Advantages

  • The cost of wildfires, displacement of people, and firefighting actions grows all the time. As at 2021, the cost of wildfires in California alone was estimated at 148.5 billion dollars. By comparison, the cost of making and installing prefabricated kits for the Fontana™ structures is not likely to be more than 10 million dollars each. If the project needed 311 Fontanas™, the initial cost would be 311 x 10 million dollars – 31.1 billion dollars – for a long-lasting, controllable cooling system. As more were required, economies of scale would help to reduce the costs.
  • Economic continuity. One of the realities of existence in 2021 CE is that human beings depend at present on ‘work’ to continue physical living. ‘Work’ can be defined in many ways, but all of them are related to the basic principle of thermodynamics that work = heat. Much of this heat comes from friction. It is not possible to carry out normal ‘work’ – both in the thermodynamic, and in the economic sense – without moving things, and every time you move something, friction occurs.A simple example is a bicycle tire. Next time you go cycling for a reasonable distance, feel the rear tire before and after you ride. After your ride, the tires will be hotter than they were before you put work through them, which created friction, both in the flexible surface and the air they enclose. Similarly, electric vehicles will create heat just from the friction of tires on roads and movement through the air.The recent Covid crisis has shown us all how much suffering is caused when people are unable to work, and earn money. The Global Cooling and Irrigation System is the solution to climate change that will remove the heat which is inevitably created by people’s need to go on working, to provide food and other necessities for themselves, their family and their community, from the Globe.
  • Health. Human blood normally has a temperature of about 37oC. Heat does not move from a cooler substance to a hotter one (see page 2 – The Science). As the air temperature increases until it is close to and above this temperature it becomes impossible for the human body to lose heat directly into the air, so techniques like air conditioning are widely used. For sufferers from many conditions – such as diabetes, MS and heart problems – high air temperatures exacerbate physical symptoms.

Social discord. There is a danger that opinion becomes polarised as to where responsibility for Global Warming lies, and there are suggestions that fundamental changes in human living such as vegetarianism and giving up motor vehicles may be needed. Changes of this sort have been introduced in the past, and have sometimes led to unintended unhappy consequences. The Global Cooling and Irrigation System is the solution to climate change that offers a reversible, purely technological, controllable solution to the problem.